My Mother Taught Me How to Die

Posted by Scenic City Women's Network on Aug 24, 2020

By Sandee Jenkins

For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, fear not, I will help you. - Isaiah 41:13 (NKJV)

I got the call in October of 1996. Mom said that she was coming up from Florida to see me. I replied, “Oh goody! Are you moving in?” She replied cheerfully, “Yes! I’ve got colon cancer.”

My husband and I quickly prepared the house for her arrival. I wondered what kind of patient she would be, since she was such an independent woman. As a nurse and a mother of eight, she had been a caregiver all of her life. To my surprise, she was a pleasant and willing patient. She made the best of each day and didn’t complain. She patiently taught me how to nurse her. I learned how to change bed linens with her still in bed, how to give a sponge bath and how to administer enemas. Mostly I learned what a joy it was to have had the privilege of caring for her in those last seven months of her life. Without her willing spirit and cooperation, it would have been much different experience for both of us. I was able to be her servant, and I relished the role. I was so thankful that she allowed me to care for her. Now, when I need assistance, I remember her example and allow myself to be helped. It truly is a gift to others when you allow them to help you. I don’t want to rob others of that blessing.

Mom stoically accepted what God had planned for her death. She graciously placed herself in God’s hands. She trusted Him and she trusted me. She had a good and honorable death. The lessons I learned from my mother I will carry to my grave. May my children take those lessons and pass them on.

Permission to Republish by the Author. re: Standing On God’s Promises, pg. 47. Written by Sandee Jenkins.

My Mother Taught Me How to Die